Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG)
The Government announced a range of Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) to support businesses required to close during local and national lockdowns. These include grant payments to support:
• Businesses required to close due to Manchester being placed in Local COVID Alert Level: Very High (Tier 3) from 23 October until 4 November 2020.
• Businesses required to close due to national lockdown restrictions from 5 November until 2 December 2020.
For any businesses registered in the city of Manchester you may be able to apply for a grant.
Depending on your rateable value you could be eligible for grants of £1,334 / £2,000 / £3,000 which is paid for every 28-day qualifying restriction period.
Businesses with multiple properties, each with a business rates liability, will be awarded a grant for each property. Separate applications will be required for each business property.
For other areas go to your local council website.